01.04_26.06.22 1535° Creative Hub | Differdange
Immersive art & craft exhibition

From 1st Apr to 26th June 2022
Opening hours
Wed-Thu-Sun: 14:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 20:00
Free entry
A futuristic exhibition
of timeless crafts.
At a time when the question is being asked more than ever about the survival and the evolution of Craftmanship, in the face of the development of new technologies, and especially in view of the advent of 3D printing, De Mains de Maîtres gathers together art craftsmen, creators, designers and digital specialists for a major exhibition: CRAFT 3.0.
The aim is to question various Luxembourg and European players in the fields of arts and crafts and new technologies, in order to glimpse the tremendous interest that there may be in the future to bring together and combine these old and new skills.
Beyond the eternal debate between tradition and progress, it is now clear that digital techniques are not to oppose the gesture, nor to make it disappear, but can be a formidable way of prolonging and even enhancing it!
The aim of the exhibition is to explore the current and future shift of age-old gestures towards a new craft nourished and enriched by digital techniques.
A programme of lectures and workshops is also planned for the duration of the exhibition.

CRAFT 3.0 offers the visitor a didactic journey in three stages:
& Tradition
In the form of an « Objeothèque », this space offers a selection of works, all made specifically by Luxembourg creators, and relayed by interactive terminals that will allow visitors to discover the secrets of their manufacture.

Silvia Alsina Palos / Stefania Atanasiu / Zaiga Baiza / Doris Becker / Pitt Brandenburger / Marie-Isabelle Callier / Martin Dieterle / Robert Emeringer / Gabriela Fiorenza / Tom Flick / Yvette Gastauer / Erny Heuertz-Piret / Mett Hoffmann / Marc Hubert / Sandy Kahlich / Katarzyna Kot Bach / Camille Jacobs / Tine Krumhorn / Laure Mackel / Nico Langehegermann / Raphaël Gindt & Daniel Mac Lloyd / Iva Mrazkova & Jean Bichel / Mirella Mazzariol / Carine Mertes / Michel Meztler / Sophie Meyer / Christiane Modert / Charlotte Payet / Karolina Pernar / Teresa (de la) Pisa / Massimo Savo / Rita Sajeva / Lea Schroeder / Pascale Seil / Marianne Steinmetzer / Jean-Paul Thiefels / Wouter (van der) Vlugt / Ellen (van der) Woude / Lily & Pit Weisgerber / Didac Zerrouk
by image
Michelangelo Fondation / Mélusine Production / Clara Rivault

Cerfav / Ensa Limoge - La Céramique comme expérience/ Roxanne Flick / Lycée des Arts et métiers Luxembourg / Ligue HMC / Flavia Carbonetti / Pit Molling